Sensodyne True White toothbrushwas designed by experts for people with sensitive teeth. Advanced cleaningbristles help remove plaque from your teeth. The outer soft tapered bristlesare specially designed to clean in hard to reach areas in a gentle way.
A soft tonguecleaner to help remove bacteria from the tongue surface. To clean the tongue,use the cleaning grooves on the back of the brush head, move the groovesbackward and forwards over the tongue surface. Brush teeth as normal.
27446Sensodyne True White toothbrushwas designed by experts for people with sensitive teeth. Advanced cleaningbristles help remove plaque from your teeth. The outer soft tapered bristlesare specially designed to clean in hard to reach areas in a gentle way.
A soft tonguecleaner to help remove bacteria from the tongue surface. To clean the tongue,use the cleaning grooves on the back of the brush head, move the groovesbackward and forwards over the tongue surface. Brush teeth as normal.
Soft tongue cleaner on the back of the head. Brush teeth as normal. To cleanthe tongue, use the cleaning grooves on the back of the brush head, move thegrooves forwards over the tongue surface. Excessive pressure while brushing maybreak the neck of the toothbrush, and should be avoided. It is recommended thatthe toothbrush be replaced every 3 months.
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