Blum-D is a vitamin that helps you obtain your body's requirements of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is important for our bones, teeth, and Immunity.
It isdietary supplement in people who do not get enough vitamin D in their diets or dont expose to sun rays to maintain good health.
Blum-D is a vitamin that helps you obtain your body's requirements of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is important for our bones, teeth, and Immunity.
It isdietary supplement in people who do not get enough vitamin D in their diets or dont expose to sun rays to maintain good health.
Prevents Osteoporosis :
Important for keeping bones strong and preventing the bone disease osteoporosis.
Vitamin D helps your intestines absorb calcium from the food.
For Stronger Immunity :
Enhances body's immune functions through vitamin D receptors located on the most immune system cells
This helps to fight infections and viruses.
Strengthens Bones and Teeth :
Both by helping your body absorb calcium and by supporting muscles needed to avoid weakness.
During Pregnancy & lactation :
During pregnancy and lactation, mothers require significant amounts of calcium to pass on to the developing fetus and suckling neonate, respectively.
Frequent Fatigue :
Excessive fatigue and tiredness may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.
This has a severe negative effect on the quality of life.
Mood Swings Probability:
Common symptoms of nutritional deficiencies (such as vitamin D deficiency) include irritability, mood swings, fatigue & depression.
Keep normal vitamines and minerals levels to avoid this.
Hairloss Problems :
Hair loss can occur when your body lacks the recommended amount of vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to alopecia, also known as spot baldness, and a number of other health conditions
Obesity and Vit D Shortage:
There is an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency in people who are considered overweight or obese based on their body mass index (BMI) measurement.
Blum-D is taken as one tablet every week that gives your body all what needed from Vitamin D with high level of convienience and dose commitment.
Vitamin D3 ( Cholecalciferol ) 50.000 IU
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