66a0e25ffb0ef5cbbaf555a3Filtrum 400 Mg 10 Tabhttps://www.whites.net/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66a21c77cb851de67275c042/45410.jpgFiltrum 400 mg-10 pack Filtrum® - enterosorbent of natural origin is based on lignin hydrolyzed, that binds molecules of different sizes and It has a high ability to absorb harmful substances to ease and relife GIT pain and discomfort45410
Filtrum 400 mg-10 pack Filtrum® - enterosorbent of natural origin is based on lignin hydrolyzed, that binds molecules of different sizes and It has a high ability to absorb harmful substances to ease and relife GIT pain and discomfort
لتخفيف آلام الجهاز الهضمي وعدم الراحة، ويساعد على إدارة القولون العصبي والعمر وانتفاخ البطن، والقدرة المميزة على ربط وإزالة العديد من سموم الجسم، وامتصاص الغازات وتخفيف الانتفاخ
2-3 pills. 3-4 times daily for 1-5 days if AGE or Flatulence case, for IBS and chronic cases 2-3 pills. 3-4 times daily for 14-21 days