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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
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66a8d0e4fc429652456b2f76 Megamind Fish Oil syrup Megamind syrup with mango peach flavour rich with omega3, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6. Megamind Italin formulation is high quility and high effecacy to support your child health and improve its mental and cognitive abilities to discover the world. EPA and DHA supports cardiovascular system functions and strong the heart and improve the optical organs to increase vision sensation. Megamind syrup helps in development of nervous system and mental fuctions of babies and children and improve the development of social skills and psychatric health to increase the cabability to build new and good relationships. Megamind also contains multi-vitamins which support body against infections and strength immunity, and strength bones and improve quality of blood by decrease blood diseases as anaemia. Megamind syrup give your child health brain in strong body. 52887
in stockSAR 189.75
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Megamind Fish Oil syrup

SAR 189.75

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Megamind syrup with mango peach flavour rich with omega3, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6. Megamind Italin formulation is high quility and high effecacy to support your child health and improve its mental and cognitive abilities to discover the world. EPA and DHA supports cardiovascular system functions and strong the heart and improve the optical organs to increase vision sensation. Megamind syrup helps in development of nervous system and mental fuctions of babies and children and improve the development of social skills and psychatric health to increase the cabability to build new and good relationships. Megamind also contains multi-vitamins which support body against infections and strength immunity, and strength bones and improve quality of blood by decrease blood diseases as anaemia. Megamind syrup give your child health brain in strong body.
Indications: 1-essential for development of brain and central nervous system. 2-controling of children motor activity and reduces symptoms of ADHA aid sleep and social development. 3-promotes healthy eye function and life time clear vision. 4-give toddlers and school children strong immunity against common respiratory infection in nurseries and school. 5-helps the body maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus, two minerals essential to build bone mass. 6-helps body make red blood cells and adrenal hormones that regulate metabolism, immune system and blood pressure.
Dose: children (1-5 years): 5 ml once daily. Children >5 years: 5 ml twice daily. Packaging: bottle 227 ml syrup juice. EAN-13-0037182670028
omega-3-polyunsaturated fats: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) other omega-3-fatty acids vitamin D vitamin E vitamin B1, vitamin B5 vitamin B6أحماض أوميجا 3 الدهنية غير المشبعة: حمض الإيكوسابنتاينويك (EPA) حمض الدوكوساهيكساين ويك (DHA) أحماض أوميجا 3 الدهنية الأخرى مثل: فيتامين د فيتامين هـ فيتامين ب1 فيتامين ب5 فيتامين ب6

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