One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
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67ceb60ffd01300024bc3b38 Starpeace Ivy Candy Peppermint Starpeace hard candy, contain ivy leaf extract, which has proven to be very effective in treating cough symptoms and relieving chest congestion, it loosens & clears mucus, reduce cough symptoms, and shown to improve chest congestion effectively, assists in soothing the chest by opening and calming the airways associated with a chesty cough due to a cold or other respiratory conditions, and shown to ease breathing symptoms, it also works to cleanse the respiratory tract and relieve the symptoms of sore throat, due to its antiseptic effect. 54592
in stock SAR 19.5
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Starpeace Ivy Candy Peppermint

SAR 19.5 SAR 39 SAVE 50%

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Starpeace hard candy, contain ivy leaf extract, which has proven to be very effective in treating cough symptoms and relieving chest congestion, it loosens & clears mucus, reduce cough symptoms, and shown to improve chest congestion effectively, assists in soothing the chest by opening and calming the airways associated with a chesty cough due to a cold or other respiratory conditions, and shown to ease breathing symptoms, it also works to cleanse the respiratory tract and relieve the symptoms of sore throat, due to its antiseptic effect.
Relief cough, Remove thick viscous mucous, Clean out the airways & Provide cool and fresh sensation
Dissolve 1 lozenge slowly in the mouth every 2 to 4 hours, or as prescribed by doctor.
المكونات الفعالة: مستخلص أوراق اللبلاب (0.491% وزن/وزن) 12.275 ملجم (الكمية لكل قطعة حلوى) وزن/وزن) المكونات الأخرى: (الكمية لكل قطعة حلوى) السكر (محلي) 1.076 جم شراب الجلوكوز 1.076 جم الماء 0.310 جم لون الكراميل 0.006 جم عامل التبريد (نكهة) 0.006 جم زيت النعناع (نكهة) 0.003 جم بلورات المنثول (تبريد) 0.001 جم

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